Books By Sula Too Publishing

A Heart Of Stone by Bridgette Welch

During a time of worldwide grief, someone had to think of the children. Bridgette Welch did just that with her debut book, A Heart of Stone. Readers will learn that sadness hurts and it affects everyone. Readers will also discover that family members can help each other to heal.

Bridgett Welch was born prematurely on August 12, 1969 to Miss Freda Mitchell and Eddie Welch. At age seven she was given to her 77 year old great grandmother to raise, which left her with many challenges and hurdles to overcome. Depression seemed to be her biggest hurdle, so she began to write poems and short stories to cope with those challenges. She learned later in life that it was a gift from God. Overcoming all the things in her life. This is her first published book, and there are many more to come. To God be all the glory.

ISBN 978-1-7358398-5-1 $15.00 A Heart of Stone by Bridgette Welch
Sula Too Publishing

A Heart of Stone is available in paperback, hard cover, and as an eBook. Order your copy today

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